The future of Puzzle Galaxy is not set nor is it over.  One day I may be able to revisit the story and characters and fully flesh out everything as a completed game.  There is so much more things to explore and silly space things to experience.  For now, the game will only exist as a sample demo and be my beloved first milestone in game development.  I learned a lot throughout the project and will be taking this knowledge and applying it to future projects.  There is another game on the way, albeit, a much different type of game that I hope to announce sometime in 2017.  Until then, thank you for all your interest!


Puzzle Galaxy combines the unique game mechanics of a traditional adventure game and a match-3 puzzle game, focusing on dialogue, gameplay, and plot.  It is currently being developed for PC / iOS platforms with the hope of release on mobile / tablet devices.  The current goal is to wrap up a solid demo and release it for everyone on Kickstarter or another crowd funding website.


Puzzle Galaxy has been developed by myself over the last couple years as a first step in learning video game design.  You can learn more about the development process in the blog posts below!  As far as a team, I also have a musician and sound designer helping with the soundtrack and sound effects for the game, which is also discussed in the posts below.

The demo is out!  I hope it works!  Well, I mean we know it works, cause we fun tested it.  That's a legitimate test.  If you run into any issues, hey it's a demo!  We're sorry.  I'm pretty sure there are no game breaking bugs in it.  Weird things may happen, but did you know it takes place in space?

In the meantime, check out our (failed, wuh wuh) KickStarter!